Hi there! It is true - as of January 1, 2024 - I am not offering Hypnobabies Group Classes or Home Study Advantage Classes. I will be taking an extended break from teaching. I love Hypnobabies and look forward to the time that I can return to sharing Hypnobabies in-person to our area.
The good news: you can still take the same amazing Hypnobabies class! The Hypnobabies Home Study course is designed as an independent study to be taken over a 6-week period. In fact, this was the course that I took when I was preparing for my first birth (and convinced me Hypnobabies is awesome). Learn more about what's included in the Home Study. Hypnobabies even has an awesome Facebook group for parents just like you to be in the journey together. If you want even more great Hypnobabies information and a guided birth rehearsal, consider this great support class. Give yourself enough time to take the course by starting no later than 32 weeks of pregnancy -- and of course you can start as early in your pregnancy as you choose!
Wishing you the best in your birthing journey,
Anna Hoy Hypnobabies Asheville Childbirth Instructor
P.S. - If you're interested in becoming a Hypnobabies Instructor, it would be amazing if our area had many options for taking Hypnobabies classes. I'd be happy to talk with you more!